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Ice Cubes
I love chocolate especially at Sunday, January 10, 2010 | back to top, baby

Ice Cubes

Why do ice cubes stick to your fingers when you take them out of the freezer?

I've always wondered why...but i never bothered to find out. After researching, I found out that apparently, when you hold the ice cubes, it freezes the moisture on our skin, resulting in it sticking to us.
However, I was wondering, how can the ice cubes freeze the moisture on our fingers? When it is taken out of the freezer to the atmosphere, with the temperature of 30 degrees, well, won't the temperature increase? Since the melting and freezing point is at 0 degrees, then when it is taken out, it should not freeze the moisture because the temperature would have changed and it would have melted? Won't it? Someone care to correct me?