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I love chocolate especially at Friday, February 6, 2009 | back to top, baby


What is average?

Average is the middle of the numbers that are being compared...acording to the dictionary, it is the result obtained by adding several numbers together and then dividing the total by the number of amounts.

Eg. The average of 30, 40, 25 and 35 is 32.5. I added the numbers together and divided by the amount of numbers, which is (30+40+25+35) / 4 = 32.5 :D

Why do we need to take average?

I feel that we have to take average to be more fair or accurate.
Example: I ran a round around the track with a timing of 50 seconds. The next round I ran, I took 1 minute. After another round, I took 1 minute and 25 seconds. What is the average time I took?
Answer: 1 minute 5 seconds.

Why do I want to find th average?
I would like to find the average of the run to estimate how long I took for each round.